
New vs used homes. Part 3. Better value over time

December 19, 2018
Materials/ Construction

Michael Pavon  here with Camino Real Builders our third point is value. Let’s say you buy a new home that is sitting under an undeveloped subdivision meaning there are still some homes to be built. Chances are than ten years down the road your home value will be considerable higher because now is sitting on a prime location but no more land available. The properties are still fairly new so if you sell it you will finish having a good return.

On the other hand if you're the buyer in the same case scenario you're probably paying a prime price and ten years from then on let a subdivision which remember is now twenty years old. The odds for high return are against you.

Finally, for most of us our home is our biggest asset and sometimes a big part of our retirement nest so please invest wisely. See you guys later.
